
Which Gold Goes Best With Your Diamond?

For years the debate has raged over which type of gold is best suited to diamond jewelry. While you’ll likely spend less for the setting than you will for the stone, you certainly don’t want to end up with a band or chain that doesn’t compliment your finest diamonds. Jewelry should be an exquisite marriage of form, color, and natural beauty harnessed by the hands of man. If the metal that cages your rock is out of whack, you may as well scrap the whole works! Luckily, there are a few types of gold to choose from so you can find the right look for the jewelry you love.

Yellow gold is the classic standard, as it was pretty much the only option available until just a few decades ago. Since then, advances in the science of metallurgy have produced the current popular favorite, white gold, which is basically just yellow gold treated with rhodium to look like bright and shiny silver that never tarnishes. And finally there is rose gold, a salmon-y pink, almost copper-colored ore that is predominantly found in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Interestingly, it has gained some measure of popularity in the last few years and is more and more prevalent in modern gemstone jewelry. However, due to its color in a field where the stone is the star, it will likely never outshine industry standards like its sisters, yellow and white.

The type of gold you choose to set your diamonds in is entirely up to you, but before you decide, there are a couple of things to consider, namely the color of your skin and the color of your stone. If either tends towards the warmer tones, you may want to select yellow gold, and the reason is twofold. For one thing, it will not call attention to either your skin or the diamond in a negative way. As a result, it will almost certainly be more flattering. Second, it is likely to enjoy more longevity since it was around first and classic trends seem to be on the rebound. On the other hand, white gold is closer to platinum, which is considered by some to be even more elegant and timeless than gold. It’s a toss-up, especially considering that the value of a diamond has little to do with the setting. In truth, you ought to simply pick the option that looks better and matches your particular aesthetic since you are the one who must wear it!