Moissanite: Physical, Spiritual And Emotional Benefits
Natural moissanite is extremely rare; rarer than diamonds. But the man couldn’t let the most brilliant jewel in the world miss its mark in the world simply because it’s rare. That’s why s/he invented it. Today, man-made moissanite is quite popular, delivering the same energy and power that a natural stone yields.
And why not? Lab-made moissanite is made of the same crystal matrix as natural moissanite, setting off the same energy vibrations. As such, it is just as strong as natural moissanite.
I mention this because I used to believe that man-made stones were inferior, but they are not. Since they’re made from the same elements, crystals mimic a natural state, adding their energy into the mix.
Let’s take a look at the true benefits of wearing moissanite jewelry in today’s world.
1. Physical Benefits
The properties of moissanite vary depending on the color you use. I’m not kidding when I say that I used to wear green moissanite with my peridot on my left hand to boost my luck and heart health at the same time. And trust me, it protected me from accumulating LDL cholesterol in my body.
Yellow moissanite, on the other hand, is said to clear the route and extend the abilities of a lower and higher chakra stone that aids in sacral chakras or the crown. Such include carnelian and citrine.
2. Spiritual Benefits
I use moissanite in my spiritual practice to help me clear my character and aura flaws. Whenever your energy feels clogged, blocked, or flawed, Moissanite can assist you to achieve the clarity you need.
Not just that but when combined with other gemstones, it enhances physical healing. Moissanite can also help if you’ve been having trouble with any crystal rituals, such as scrying or calling on the angels. Furthermore, it can be used to train your mind to communicate with spirits or perform rituals.
3. Emotional Benefits
Moissanite is beneficial when meeting new people because it protects a person’s aura and sharpens their attention. It is therefore a vital must-have for those suffering from severe depression as a result of physical discomforts.
You can also use moissanite’s healing and renewing the power to mend and refresh your faith in your religion or one that naturally resonates with your principles. As such, it can set you in the right direction while giving you a strong foundation for your persona.
Moissanite is a brilliant jewel. But besides adornment, it can renew your spirit, mind, and body. It can reinstate your persona and help you be a better version of yourself!